
  • Department of Physics is having financial support from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) programme with an outlay Rs.1.02 crore.
  • Department of Physics faculty has successfully completed research projects funded by funding agencies such as DST / CSIR / MNRE / ISRO / MOES / BRNS / APCOST and considerable numbers of projects are under progress.
Awards / Medals Received by the Student(s)
  • Prestigious DST’s INSPIRE Fellowship to the First Rank Students to pursue Ph.D. Degree: 4.
  • Ph.D. degree awardees from the department are currently working in various National and International Institutions and Laboratories.
  • Successful M.Sc (Physics) Post-Graduates of the department were placed in various institutions for teaching / perusing higher studies.